Aleutian Wildflower Guide in its Second Edition
Friday, April 25 2014
Just in time for spring, Vic Fisher invited local naturalist Suzi Golodoff to talk about the flowering plants of Unalaska on his morning radio show. Vic asked her about what brought her to Unalaska, the making of the book, and some of the changes in the new edition. If you missed it, you can stream the audio here:
Suzi Golodoff interview on AM Unalaska
Suzi is the author of Wildflowers of Unalaska Island: A Guide to the Flowering Plants of an Aleutian Island. Wildflowers of Unalaska is the only book on our island's unique flowers, and it covers more than 160 species in a back-pack friendly volume. The second edition of Wildflowers of Unalaska was recently released by the University of Alaska press. You can purchase a copy online from the publisher, or locally at the Museum of the Aleutians.