Russian radio vs. the volcano

Tuesday, July 29 2008

Chuginadak Island, AK – Ham radio enthusiasts sometimes go to great lengths to contact each other and remote regions of the world. A group of three Russians recently spent a week on Chuginadak Island to set up a radio call station--but they ran into a few explosive problems. KIAL's Anne Hillman went along.

Nikolski residents finally leave island

Monday, July 28 2008

Unalaska, AK – The Alaska Volcano Observatory put Okmok volcano back on Code Red after plumes rose as high as 35 thousand feet, preventing more planes from arriving. But a boat passing through the area helped stranded residents and visitors finally leave the island. KIAL's Anne Hillman was there.

Cleveland volcano erupts

Monday, July 28 2008

Unalaska, AK – When Mount Cleveland on Chuginadak Island began erupting a week ago, KIAL's Anne Hillman was on a ship off the coast of the island. She recorded these sounds.

Russian Radio Expeditions

Saturday, July 19 2008

Unalaska, AK – Some people are into extreme sports. Others, extreme travel. How about extreme radio? A team of Russians are setting up an amateur radio out post on an uninhabited Aleutian Island just for the experience of it. KIAL's Anne Hillman caught up with them on their way through Unalaska.

Aleutians accident risk assessment plan in works

Thursday, July 17 2008

Unalaska, AK – More than 4,500 marine vessels pass through the Aleutian Islands annually. The harsh weather and the unique environment put the area at high risk from oil spills and accidents. After the M/V Selendang Ayu grounded in 2004, spilling 336 thousand gallons of fuel near Unimak Island, a court settlement specified that funds be allocated for a risk assessment of ship accidents and spills in the area. A design for that assessment was released Thursday. KIAL's Anne Hillman has more.

Shell Oil uses Dutch Harbor as staging ground

Thursday, July 17 2008

Dutch Harbor, AK – Shell Oil is using Dutch Harbor as a staging ground for its research in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Vessels of various sizes were in port until recently and others still remain in preparation for seismic, shallow hazard, marine mammal, and baseline environmental research. KIAL's Anne Hillman brings you more.

APICDA opens new processing plant in False Pass

Wednesday, July 16 2008

Unalaska, AK – The Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association recently opened a new fish processing plant in False Pass. Bering Pacific Seafoods has the capacity to process 50 thousand pounds of fish per day and the ability to help revitalize False Pass's economy. But APICDA Joint Ventures chief operating officer Joe Kyle says it won't be easy. Anne Hillman has more.

Okmok ash cancels flights

Wednesday, July 16 2008

Unalaska, AK – About a dozen flights in and out of Dutch Harbor airport have been cancelled because of ash from the Okmok volcano, which started erupting on Saturday around noon. PenAir President Danny Seybert says they've scheduled seven flights for today, Wednesday, to make up for yesterday's cancellations. He said cancellation decisions depend on cloud cover as well as ash.

"If there's a heavy cloud cover and we have to fly through lots of clouds, we're more likely to cancel the flight because you can't see the ash when it's embedded in the clouds, he said."

Community Crossroads: Lana Nguyen

Wednesday, July 16 2008

Unalaska, AK – Unalaskans hail from around the globe the Philippines, Sudan, Russia, and beyond. In our new radio series - Community Crossroads - we talk with Unalaskans about their lives, their cultures, and their communities. The first profile is of Lana Nguyen, originally from Vietnam. KIAL's Anne Hillman has this.

News Community About Site by Joseph Redmon