Alaska Energy Authority to hold town hall meeting in Unalaska Tuesday
Monday, May 19 2008
Unalaska, AK – A delegation from the Alaska Energy Authority will be in Unalaska tomorrow for a town hall meeting about possible solutions to Alaska's energy woes.
The AEA is tasked with finding local solutions to rising energy costs. Karsten Rodvik, the AEA's project manager for external affairs, said that problem has reached "crisis proportions," and the state is open to any idea of how to solve it.
"We encourage people to come and bring their ideas, bring their passion, bring their knowledge of local resources and geography," Rodvik said. "We're looking at everything--everything is on the table."
Unalaska is one of 25 communities the authority staffers are visiting this spring. Rodvik says they're exploring potential options from geothermal exploration to tidal power, and asking three big questions.
"The first question is what local energy resources could be developed to lower costs?" he said. "Secondly, which resources would you prefer not be developed? And finally, why?"
The meeting will be from 4 to 8 PM tomorrow in the Makushin Room at the Grand Aleutian Hotel.