Alejandro “Bong” Tungul Appointed to City Council

Wednesday, March 27 2013
Council filled a vacant seat at Tuesday night’s meeting, although not with either of the two original candidates.
Earl “Skip” Southworth was not present at the meeting, and Doanh Tran withdrew her name from consideration for the seat after Southworth raised concerns over her residency.
According to a memo from city attorney Brooks Chandler, Tran did not qualify as a candidate because she wouldn’t have been registered to vote in Unalaska for one year by the time of her appointment or election.
Before voting on Southworth, mayor Shirley Marquardt explained Tran’s withdrawal and asked if any other residents would like to run for the council seat. Alejandro “Bong” Tungul, a 34-year resident of Unalaska, asked to be considered. Tungul manages the Gas ‘n’ Go and has served as a volunteer firefighter.
Councilor Dennis Robinson moved to elect Southworth, with councilor Dave Gregory seconding. The measure failed 3-2, with councilors Roger Rowland and Zoya Johnson voting no.
Robinson then moved to elect Tungul, with councilor Gregory seconding. The motion passed unanimously. Tungul was sworn in, and then left the meeting early to attend a funeral.
At the meeting, council also approved an $18,000 contract with PND Engineering to write a maintenance protocol for the emergency mooring buoy, and a $17,000 contract with aHa! Consulting to build and host a new website for the city of Unalaska.
curious citizen on Saturday, March 30 2013:
Congratulations Bong for becoming a city coucil member!
Just one request please; can you post the price of fuel on the Gas ‘n’ Go sign. About 10-15 years ago the prices of fuel were posted.
Old Cynical Man on Friday, March 29 2013:
Who is going to serve me my mini-pizza on Tuesday Evening at the Gas and Go?? Will have to ask him why NPF gas is 30 cents more per gallon here in Dutch compared to Hawaii - even though we are 400 miles closer to Seattle..
Can't Fix Corrupt on Thursday, March 28 2013:
It's a piss poor interpretation of the municipal ordinance by Brooks:
UMC 4.12.010: Qualification of Candidates:
(A) No person shall hold the elective office of Mayor or member of the City Council, or be eligible to seek election thereto, unless at the time of filing the declaration of candidacy, the person is a qualified voter of the city who has resided within the city for a period of no less than one year.
She's lived here for more than one year in the past, and is currently a qualified voter in Unalaska. So what's the problem?
Sounds like they paid Brooks to come up with an interpretation that places the word "preceding" back into this ordinance, even though that language is not present in UMC 4.12.010(A). You'll see "preceding" come up in relation to residency requirements in other ordinances (limited to 30 days), but not in the ordinance that was used to block Tran's appointment. Brooks made that up.
Stephanie Joyce on Thursday, March 28 2013:
Hi, folks -- If you have specific concerns about our coverage, I encourage you to reach out to us directly. You can drop us a line at, or give me a call -- 581-6944.
Vikinggirl on Thursday, March 28 2013:
You will need to watch the rerun of the meeting tonight on channel 8 to get the whole story. Frustrating.
Just Saying on Thursday, March 28 2013:
I am not sure why KUCB is dropping the ball in reporting the news accurately. KUCB...explain...ah if you can
Just saying
KUCB biased on Thursday, March 28 2013:
All be darned. I was at the council meeting yesterday. KUCB does a real good job not reporting actual remarks made by Mayor about Tran and Southworth. Where are comments made by Tungul?
Oh, and did KUCB mention Southworth was absent because he was at his residence in AZ? So much for tdelivering the truth. Keep up the bias KUCB.