City Council Approves Wastewater Funding Increase, Continues Rebranding Effort

Wednesday, June 10 2015
The Unalaska City Council passed a budget amendment during a regular meeting last night that increases funding for the Wastewater Treatment Plant project by more than $3.4 million dollars.
City Manager Don Moore told the council the money was necessary to continue work on the project.
“This money is absolutely necessary to finish this project and not finishing it is not an option," he said.
No one testified on the ordinance during public hearing. The city council met in executive session to discuss the details of the needed increase in funding. There was no public debate among council members. The city council voted unanimously to pass the budget amendment.
During last night’s meeting, Don Moore also passed around a second draft of a new brochure that highlights life in Unalaska and Dutch Harbor.
“Some of the pictographs and this sort of thing are not representative of what will be in the final brochure, but the cover is a pretty good depiction and we will have different pictures on the back," he explained.
$15-thousand dollars was initially put forward for the project in February. The city has contracted with Anchorage-based marketing firm Northwest Strategies to “rebrand” the city’s image.
Moore also told council members the city is currently in the planning and stages on the production of a promotional video. According to Moore, negotiations are ongoing with a videographer who grew up on the island.