City council considers energy relief

Thursday, September 11 2008

Unalaska, AK – As energy costs continually rise, the City of Unalaska is considering ways to help residents make it through. KIAL's Anne Hillman found out about the short- and long-term energy relief options before the council.

Unalaska's proposed energy relief options:

-$51 monthly rebates on all residential power bills for the next 14 months
-Adding $1 to COPA to reduce power bills in winter months and when fuel costs rise
-Suspending 3% sales tax on residential heating fuel
City funded rebates for purchasing energy star rated appliances
-City funded rebates for home weatherization
-Fully funding the waste heat units to increase powerhouse efficiency and saving $400,000 per year
-Fully funding powerhouse renovations, reducing all power bills by $0.01 per kwh

News Community About Site by Joseph Redmon