City Fish & Game Committee seeks ban on Unalaska Bay trawling
Tuesday, May 27 2008
Unalaska, AK – Unalaska's Fish and Game Advisory Committee wants the City Council to support its efforts to ban pollock trawling in Unalaska Bay during B season.
"The concern, especially during the summertime, is salmon bycatch," said City Natural Resource Analyst Frank Kelty, who chairs the committee.
As pollock have moved to the northwest during the summer months in recent years, more trawlers have been dropping their nets in the bay, which has been a concern for local subsistence and commercial fishermen. Kelty said he'd like to see everything from Eider Point to Priest Rock and back into the bay put off limits.
"You have vessels trawling just adjacent to some of our largest salmon streams at Broad Bay and Nanteekan, and also fish that's coming into Captains Bay and the Iliuliuk Harbor area," he said.
The issue is on the agenda for tonight's council meeting, as is the prospect of selling the city's light cargo dock in Dutch Harbor. The dock has seen decreased use since crab rationalization reduced the number of boats delivering in Unalaska, and the city now spends about a third of the revenues it makes off the dock just keeping it open.
The council will also be taking public comment on the city's budget and capital and major maintenance plan. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at City Council chambers.