Crash Damages Multiple Vehicles

Monday, August 29 2011

A late night accident last week resulted in minor damage to multiple parked cars and major damage to one moving vehicle.

Devon Davis, 19, allegedly sped through a stop sign on Tuesday around 2am before causing the accident, says Sgt. Bill Simms.

“Basically it was an accident where the individual ran off the road and into a concrete barrier that was surrounding an electrical box on Unisea property,” says Simms. “The damage to the vehicle itself was extensive. I would say it was a total loss. The driver suffered some injuries as well.”

Three stationary vehicles were also struck before the final collision. None of those cars had drivers in them.

Davis has been charged with reckless driving and minor in possession. A drunk driving charge is also being considered, pending further investigation.

News Community About Site by Joseph Redmon