Dutch Harbor Fisherman to Return to Newsstands

Monday, January 23 2012

The local newspapers for the Unalaska and Bristol Bay regions are coming back into publication starting next month. However, the 2 papers are being combined into one publication.

Before publication ceased last year the Bristol Bay Times and the Dutch Harbor Fishermen were separate newspapers but the new publisher is combining the papers into one paper and hopes to begin printing the papers early next month.

Jason Evans is the co-publisher of the papers and he and his wife purchased the papers from Alaska Newspapers Incorporated, which shut down 6-newspapers last summer.

”It will have the masthead of the Bristol Bay Times-Dutch Harbor Fisherman. As time goes on, we’ll take a look if we should separate them back out or if we should rename the paper altogether.”

While the process to get the Bristol Bay Times and Dutch Harbor Fishermen back into print has been quite lengthy Evans has continued publication of the other paper he purchased from Alaska Newspapers... the Arctic Sounder. He confirms that the Carey Restino, editor of the Arctic Sounder and former editor of the Homer Tribune, will be the editor of the new combined Bristol Bay Times-Dutch Harbor Fishermen.

While Restino will be based in Homer, she expects to travel to Unalaska and Dillingham periodically. She also says that Unalaska resident Jim Paulin will regularly be reporting for the paper. She also anticipates filling the papers with plenty of local content produced by community members themselves.

“[I hope] the community will get behind the newspaper – submit stuff to us like photos, news, ideas, stories, anything! Your sister had a baby, or any of that sort of stuff. That is news, and nothing is too small or too silly for us to consider,” says Restino.

Right now, the plan is to publish the combined paper once a week. He anticipates having the printed papers in the hub communities of Unalaska and Dillingham on Thursday's with distribution to outlying communities on Fridays. The newspaper will average between 16 and 20 pages per issue and cost $1 per issue. The first combined paper is scheduled to go to press on Thursday, February 2.

Kim on Tuesday, May 15 2012:

I miss reading the paper online, my husband is a welder fabricator in Dutch and I live in Washington. Between phone calls, I love being able to know what is going on in his community. I wish all the changes to the staff and paper the very best and keep up the good work. Peace
Kim Aurand Spokane WA

News Community About Site by Joseph Redmon