Graduating class sets scholarship record

Thursday, May 29 2008

Unalaska, AK – The 30 students in Unalaska City School's Class of 2008 graduated on Saturday. The seniors didn't just receive their diplomas they also got a record amount of scholarships for their future endeavors. A whopping 1.6 million dollars were handed out. A million of that was from colleges the students will be attending, but local businesses and organizations also kicked in a record 170,000 dollars, more than 6 times what they gave out just eight years ago. Haley Zuger received the largest share of the scholarships. At a meeting earlier this month, the Unalaska City Council voted to increase its own scholarships for next year, even though the 2009 graduating class is less than half the size of this year's.

News Community About Site by Joseph Redmon