Legislature, Unalaska School Board honor Walter Dyakanoff
Thursday, March 20 2008
Unalaska, AK – Longtime Unalaska resident and local leader Walter Dyakanoff, who passed away on March 5, is receiving two posthumous honors for his life and work in Unalaska.
Superintendent John Conwell says the school board is planning to pass a resolution in memory of Dyakanoff's service to the community at this evening's meeting.
The state Legislature also passed a resolution in memory of Dyakanoff, which was sponsored by District 37 representative Bryce Edgmon.
"I never had the honor of meeting Walter--I wish I did," Edgmon said. "But looking at all the activity he was involved with, especially the public service work, [he was] a real amazing guy. And it really speaks to a lot of our elders passing on, and what a treasure they are to our Native heritage and our community heritage as well."
Dyakanoff served on the Unalaska City School District's school board for a quarter century, and was mayor of Unalaska in the late 50s and early 60s. He later went on to serve as the first chairman of the board of the Ounalashka Corporation.
The resolution honoring him is the first item on the agenda at tonight's school board meeting, which will be at 7 p.m. in the High School library.