McGlashan and others push for resuming Unangan education in Unalaska's schools
Thursday, November 15 2007
Unalaska, AK – At tonight's school board meeting, supporters of Unangan culture and language education in Unalaska are making their case for resuming the Unalaska City School District's program two years after its funding was cut.
City Council member Katherine McGlashan, who is also on the school's parents committee, has been collecting signatures and letters of support from parents and other members of the community.
"We're people of this land," said McGlashan, who is Unangan. "It's history, it's culture, it's our heritage and it's something that we should keep alive."
Among those who have sent letters to the school board and administration so far are Ounalashka Corporation CEO Wendy Svarny-Hawthorne, UAF professor and former state Writer Laureate Jerah Chadwick, state Rep. Bryce Edgmon and Museum of the Aleutians Director Zoya Johnson.
McGlashan said she was inspired to campaign to revive the program during the August legislative fly-in, when lawmakers from around the state visited Unalaska.
"One of the senators asked me, 'Do you have a Native class for your children in your school system?'" she said. "And that's when the idea sparked."
The school board meets tonight at 7 p.m. at the High School library.