Pollock B-season takes 99% of quota
Tuesday, November 11 2008
Unalaska, AK – The pollock fishery has closed for the year. All together the sectors caught 99 percent of the quota leaving only 8,100 metric tons of B-season quota on the table. NOAA Fisheries in-season manager Josh Keaton says this indicates good things about the fishery.
"We're with in 99 percent of the quota. In the past couple years they tended to leave a bit more on the table than they did this year."
He says the implementation of Amendment 80, which affected the non-pelagic trawl vessels, has also benefited the fishery. "They were able to manage their halibut by catch and they're still fishing, which is abnormal for most years."
Salmon bycatch numbers are down significantly this year as well. Until October 25th, the most recently available numbers, only 3,522 Chinook were taken during the B season and 14,620 non-chinook salmon.
"A lot of things can be at play for the salmon," he explains. But why the numbers are lower this year, "I don't think we'll ever know."
The 2009 pollock quota recommendations have not yet been released.