Sunday spaghetti feed will benefit fire victims
Friday, March 14 2008
Unalaska, AK – A spaghetti feed will be held on Sunday to raise money for the Unalaska family whose house was damaged by a fire last weekend.
Genee Shaishnikoff is hosting the fundraiser to help her brother, Barry Fredericks, and his family raise the money they need to gut and rebuild the house. She said he hopes to repair the extensive damage by the end of the summer.
"Their main bedroom was burned, and everything upstairs was either water-damaged or smoke-damaged," she said. "And things in the living room and kitchen, it was so hot in there [they] melted."
Shaishnikoff said the Qawalangin Tribe and the Ounalashka Corporation worked together to temporarily settle the Frederickses in one of the HUD houses in town.
"Thanks to the community they've been fully furnished, and have all their basic necessities," she said. "They got to spend their first night in their new home last night, and they're just trying to adjust."
The spaghetti feed will be from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sunday in the small gym at the high school.