The Exchange: Cora Holmes Talks Cowboy Wars

Wednesday, January 16 2013
Local author Cora Holmes is writing a new book titled “Alaska’s Wild West.” From Holmes' book description:
"In October 1923, two companies, Aleutian Livestock Company and Western Livestock Company, each unloaded 1000 sheep in Chernofski Harbor and started a range war that lasted decades and spread across two islands. This conflict eventually ended in bankruptcy for both companies and three more reasonable stockmen established successful sheep ranches on the chain that flourished during their lifetimes and then disappeared into the Aleutian mist as the islands entered the twentieth century of synthetic fibers and ten thousand dollar a day crew shares."
In this segment of The Exchange, KUCB's Stephanie Joyce talks with Holmes about researching the book and the many discoveries she's made about Aleutian history in the process.
Dorothy Melcher on Tuesday, April 01 2014:
Hello Cora,
I would like to order your new book. Thanks for the Christmas letter. I appreciate hearing from you. You are a great writer, very interesting..
Pat Cook on Monday, December 16 2013:
My father led a survey crew that did a comprehensive survey of the Aleutian Islands, in 1940 and 1941. He was based out of Unalaska (Dutch) and was on the Navy mine sweeper Oriole. On one of the islands, they discovered a sheep herder whose semi-annual supplies had not come in for a year and had been abondoned by a livestock company that went out of business. Do you know any details about this? Merry Christmas, Pat Cook
Elizabeth Denny on Thursday, January 17 2013:
Terrific interview. Cora, you are quite a gal! I am proud to be a far away friend of yours. Ms. Joyce-thank you for being a professional and listening to what Cora had to say without interruptions.
Gregory Plummer on Thursday, January 17 2013:
Hi Cora, haven't heard about any ranching folks in the Aleutians for a long time. I last saw Milt many years ago in Dutch befor he passed away, unfortunally you were having a bad day so i did not get the chance to tell you hello. Best wishes Greg Plummer