Unangan Elders Share Subsistence Stories

Monday, June 24 2013

Vincent Tutiakoff and Arnold Dushkin (L-R). Credit: Lauren Adams

Elders from around the Aleutians gathered at the Grand Aleutian Hotel earlier this month for a summit on healthcare and aging. Most of their time was spent in workshops, but they carved out space for a potluck dinner of traditional foods at Unalaska's senior center.

That night, a few elders shared stories of their first subsistence hunts. KUCB's Lauren Rosenthal was there, and has this audio postcard of Larry Dirks of Atka, Vincent Tutiakoff of Unalaska, and Arnold Dushkin of Nikolski discussing the subsistence way of life.

Jane Bye on Friday, July 12 2013:

Hi Pauline, your copy is ready at the station. Thanks! Jane

Pauline Tutiakoff on Tuesday, June 25 2013:

I just want to thank you for sharing as well as doing this! Hope to see more and maybe would like to be apart of it as well.. And if you having anymore recordings I would like to request to see them,, so what ever I have to do to get them, please let me know!

News Community About Site by Joseph Redmon