Unofficial city election results
Wednesday, October 08 2008
Unalaska, AK – The city of Unalaska released the preliminary election results last night for three city council seats, three school board seats, and the school bond. For city council, incumbent Zoya Johnson lost her bid for seat B to Dennis Robinson in a 335 to 265 vote. Incumbent Katherine McGlashan held on to city council seat E by defeating Michelle Cochran 329 to 278. And Skip Southworth will continue on the council and finish out the one year remaining for the seat F term. He beat Joanna Aldridge 382 to 213. All other city council seats are for three year terms
For the school board, Tonya Miller took seat C unchallenged. Sonia Handforth-Kome retained seat E and was officially unchallenged but had 100 write-in votes opposing her. Katherine McGlashan was defeated by Dan Masoni 312 to 282 for seat B. That's the only result that could possibly be affected by the 35 uncounted votes, if almost all of them go to Masoni.
The final municipal item was proposition one, which allows the city to bond for $4.5 million to fix the jr./sr. high school's roof and other improvements. The bond overwhelmingly passed 513 to 79. The state will reimburse the city for 70% of the principle and its interest. That means the city will only pay $2.3 million over 20 years.