Support for grieving students, families, and community members is available.
Monday, May 13 2019 - Friday, May 17 2019

In light of last week’s tragedy, the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association has behavioral health staff in Unalaska to support grieving students, families, and community members.

You can reach providers by calling 359-2743. They're available over the phone, or they'll provide information on how you can make a face-to-face appointment. Staff may not be able to answer the phone right away, but if you leave a message APIA staff will follow up as soon as possible.

Additional behavioral health staff are available in APIA’s Anchorage office. They can be reached at 222-9764 or 1-844-375-2742.

Unalaskans Against Sexual Assault and Family Violence is also available. To reach USAFV’s 24-hour support line, call 581-1500.

News Community About Site by Joseph Redmon